The GOAT Debate

GOAT? For those of you who don't know what I mean when I say goat. No, I'm not talking about the animal with horns that walks around eating grass. And no, not the shoe website either for those of you sneakerheads. G.O.A.T. is an acronym often used when talking about sports that stands for Greatest Of All Time. In the context of basketball, Goat is used to describe players whom people think are, well, the greatest of all time. This is what the Goat debate is. Depending on who you ask, you could get an array of different answers. The two most common answers in the goat debate are Michael Jordan and Lebron James. However, other less common answers you may hear could be Kobe Bryant, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Wilt Chamberlin and a couple others. While there will never be one clear, concise result to this goat debate, I am here to give my opinions on who I think the goat is. I believe the true goat debate is between the two most common picks. So, the question is: Jordan or Lebron...